Outfit of the Week

4th of July

Yes the 4th has passed and yes this is Sunday not Friday... so oops. But anyways, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY (on the 5th)!!! My favorite part of this outfit are the shoes and this is coming from the person who hates shoes and NEVER EVER wears them so there you go. This is an outfit I would love to have because it is HOT outside and the outfit in my opinion is just cute!
SaturdayBECAUSE LIFE. This seemed like a pretty great outfit for this week... so here it is! My favorite part of this outfit is definitely the red and the shirt. This shirt tells us all something we need to know, NORMAL IS BORING. It is absolutely great to not be normal (whatever normal is).

Disneyland... Again

Sooooo.... I am starting FASHION FRIDAY inspired by Brenna Olson from Brenna's Bad Blog (click here). I am just starting this so hopefully these will get better as we go... but we'll see! SO this is a summer's outfit that I think would be ADORABLE for a casual outing (as some call it). With this outfit (depending where you are going) I would go barefoot (because I am a barefoot kind of girl). But if you are a shoe person, I would definitely advise these blue converse! Hopefully this outfit will inspire y'all to go out and have fun with your outfits!
          Much love,