Sunday, June 14, 2015

Teen Summer Tag

I was tagged by the one and only Brenna in a Teen Summer Tag over the summer (see details here).
Sooooo basically I will be answering the questions below and tagging some of YOU to answer them on your blog too!

1. Is it summer where you live?
2. What is your favorite part of the summer-time?
My absolute FAVORITE part of summer is that weird summery feeling you get (which feels AMAZING). I also LOVE that I get to spend more time with some of the best people around.
3. Do you have any summer traditions?
I live on a lake so every week (usually on a Thursday) we have a lake day. So a bunch of people come over and we swim and eat. Also every Labor Day Weekend (which is technically still summer) this amazing group of people who I like to call The Labor Day Clan or the Weaver Clan comes over and we all hang out and have a fantabulous time.
4. Name your number one summer song, ready go!
Let's Just Fall in Love Again by Jason Castro or Never Going to Let You Down by Colbie Caillat (even though they aren't very summery but they remind me of summer).
5. What is your most memorable memory of the summer, ever?
Family and Summer camps for sure.
6. One blog you currently can't get enough of!
7. Give your top blogging tip, even if you're a newbie. What do you want people to know?
Be yourself and write from your heart, that is where the best posts come from. Don't do it for popularity but because you love it.
8. If you could travel anywhere this summer, where would it be and why?
Jerusalem because there are so many interesting places there that were mentioned in the Bible and that is something I'd like to see up close and personal.
9. What is your favorite accessory to wear in the warm weather?
Sweatshirts or thick cardigan (even though they aren't really accessories).
10.  Set one goal to challenge yourself this summer. 
Read. Make a book list and read them all. Read through Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge(and find out what of it I believe to be true) and study a few books in the Bible.


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