Monday, September 7, 2015

Growing Up

My name is Julia Shaffer. I like to write. I LOVE Disney. And I am going to be a freshman in high school.
                                                      Most importantly I. am. HUMAN.

   As a human I make mistakes but I also succeed. As a human I live out my life, and along the way I develop relationships. As Julia I choose to be a Christian and have that relationship with God. As Julia I          don't want to grow up, in fact, at times I'm scared of it. That is what I am writing about today.

          If you haven't noticed by now, we do not live in Neverland. We do not stay young forever and we do not live with Peter Pan. Yeah I know, seems like a sad life. But it actually isn't because we get to live our life knowing it won't last forever which makes us want to live it to our fullest. I started high school last week, it feels like just yesterday that I walked into my middle school for the very first time. Next year I can drive. I will be an adult in 3 years and in 4 will be graduating high school and going off the college. It is so hard to accept the fact that I am growing up. That is hard for me to accept because I don't want to grow up, I want to be a little kid again. I want time to stop and be able to stay this age forever. I don't want to have to move out or go to college, or get a job. I don't want to drive a car and have to go out into the world. I like it how it is. I think that is because I don't like change, I'm not comfortable with it. I feel that with change I'm growing up which means I no longer can be that little kid I want to be. I think that sometimes with change, I feel like I will lose someone. I think that I feel that I'll lose the people I love as I grow older. That is hard for me. The thing is I am not in control AND I don't need to worry because God has it all planned out. He has plans for me and he knows my future. I worry about losing people when I need to know that what is going to happen WILL happen. I am going grow, SO WHAT? I will not let that fact change me. I am still the girl who likes to write and draw. Who LOVES Disney and wants to work in Disneyland in college. I am still the girl who wants to deepen her relationships with her friends and family. I am still Julia. 

          FEAR and WORRY holds us back. I am scared. I am scared to lose people. I am scared to grow up. I shouldn't be because 1.) God has a plan. and 2.) IT HOLDS ME BACK! 
          We will all grow up. But that doesn't mean we can't stay young at heart. We can still have a fun a side, we can have a childlike imagination, we can still stay young. We can be mature children. Yes that is what I am calling it. 

As Peter Pan would say, "NEVER GROW UP!"

Disclaimer: I am not saying that we should pretend we are not growing up because that is something we need to accept. What I want to get across is that we shouldn't be scared of what is to come. We should continue to grow as a person but it isn't a bad thing to be young at heart.

I love you,


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Freak Frack Patti Whack Hard

          We all go through some kind of transition. Whether it's elementary to middle school or state to state, it could even be transitioning from a friend moving or person dying. But no matter how little of big the transition is, it is and will be hard and sometimes scary. But overall, transition is good and healthy. Through traansition we mature, meet new people, and learn new things. After fully transitioning we can see the good in it and see how the transition changed us. Right now I'm transitioning from middle school to high school and it is SO HARD. I don't think I'm scared but more sad. I made so many good memories in middle school and strengthened old and new relationships. Leaving middle school will mean not seeing some of these friends as often. It is SO freak frack patti whack hard. But I do know that moving on to high school will bring new adventures. I will be able to strengthen my relationships further and make new friends. I will comtinue to mature into the beautiful young lady I am and I will be able to gain knowledge. As we transition (as all teens do) we need to see how it will work for the good of us. These transitions will change and grow us into something bigger AND better. We will all -through transition- begin to develop into the beautiful young lady or handsome young man that we are.
           Much Love,

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Teen Summer Tag

I was tagged by the one and only Brenna in a Teen Summer Tag over the summer (see details here).
Sooooo basically I will be answering the questions below and tagging some of YOU to answer them on your blog too!

1. Is it summer where you live?
2. What is your favorite part of the summer-time?
My absolute FAVORITE part of summer is that weird summery feeling you get (which feels AMAZING). I also LOVE that I get to spend more time with some of the best people around.
3. Do you have any summer traditions?
I live on a lake so every week (usually on a Thursday) we have a lake day. So a bunch of people come over and we swim and eat. Also every Labor Day Weekend (which is technically still summer) this amazing group of people who I like to call The Labor Day Clan or the Weaver Clan comes over and we all hang out and have a fantabulous time.
4. Name your number one summer song, ready go!
Let's Just Fall in Love Again by Jason Castro or Never Going to Let You Down by Colbie Caillat (even though they aren't very summery but they remind me of summer).
5. What is your most memorable memory of the summer, ever?
Family and Summer camps for sure.
6. One blog you currently can't get enough of!
7. Give your top blogging tip, even if you're a newbie. What do you want people to know?
Be yourself and write from your heart, that is where the best posts come from. Don't do it for popularity but because you love it.
8. If you could travel anywhere this summer, where would it be and why?
Jerusalem because there are so many interesting places there that were mentioned in the Bible and that is something I'd like to see up close and personal.
9. What is your favorite accessory to wear in the warm weather?
Sweatshirts or thick cardigan (even though they aren't really accessories).
10.  Set one goal to challenge yourself this summer. 
Read. Make a book list and read them all. Read through Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge(and find out what of it I believe to be true) and study a few books in the Bible.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Giving up (Day Two)

          Soooooooo, it's me again! I know I just posted yesterday but I had something I wanted to let you all know that I think deserves its own post. As we established yesterday we DON'T give up and we keep our head held high no matter what. There will be many struggles but we have to keep going. In my Christian point of view I think the Devil wants me to fail in spiritual and everyday life but we can't let him win. Even if you aren't Christian I believe you still have your little devils. If we give up on life or in general they win and we have been defeated. But do you really want to be in defeat; do you really want to yield control of whatever it is you are giving up on? Now let me say though there is one situation where you can and should give up. You should give up your life to God, I mean that you should let him control your life. But in the other situations you have to walk confidently through the situation or through the project until it is over, you need to keep fighting! And in so many things YOU WILL WANT TO GIVE UP but I have a piece of advice for you read my post from yesterday and DON'T, don't give up. Well that's all for now I'll talk to y'all soon!
            With love,

Monday, June 1, 2015

Are you thinking of giving up? Well first read this!

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." 
-Marie Curie-

          We all start things that we wish we could and would complete. The thing is if we are persistent and confident we can and will finish these things that we started.

 7 things that will help you finish these projects and activities!

  1. Surround yourself with encouragement.                                                                                Make sure that you are surrounded by friends who support you. I personally have been really bad on posting on this blog and at times have thought of giving up, but then my friends give me a word of encouragement and then I get back to the writing. 
  2. MUSIC!!!                                                                                                                                        I really do think that music can inspire us, so put on your jam and DANCE!
  3. Cold Showers                                                                                                                                 This site will explain it all:  Let's start June off with Cold Showers!
  4. Workout                                                                                                                                           I know that in general people don't like working out but, after a good exercise I feel SO motivated, I feel as if I can do anything. You should try. :)
  5. Scream                                                                                                                                             I mean it, go in a closet and scream until you feel as if you can do it. Just warn others before screaming. I mean sometimes we all just need a good scream.
  6. Think about why you started.                                                                                                          Why did you start in the first place? Think about that then keep moving forward!
  7. Keep your head up.                                                                                                                         Sounds cliche huh? But it's true people are going to put you down and discourage you. Sometimes you will even put yourself down and that itself could make you quit. SO NO MATTER WHAT keep your head held high.
Follow the advice, give it a try! Keep trying and don't give up.  


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bad and Good

         Sometimes we go through these horrible things or even just little things that hurt and you wonder why you were put through these things, why God would want to do that to you. Things like my dads cancer, my best friend Brenna moving, and the middle school intern Daniel stepping down from his position. These things hurt, you get scared but there are reasons for these things. God planned these things that hurt to make us grow and to make us grow in relationships.
          When my dad got cancer God helped me and my family through it and through it I've even grown closer to God. When Brenna moved we  just became closer, the distance really helped our friendship. Lastly, when Daniel left our youth group it hurt, it was sad. After he left we became closer and now he's more like my big brother who cares for me and loves me. These situations hurt but through them I was blessed and became so much closer to people I love. At the time it seemed horrible but now I've realized I'm glad all these things have happened to grow me as a person, Christian, and friend. I love God and how he's helped me through these things. <3
          I challenge all of you to look at the bad things but then thing about what good came out of it and how blessed you are.

Love you all,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Our Stories

          "Most people live life on the path we set for them, too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize freewill is a gift that you'll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that's the chairman's real plan. That maybe one day, we won't write the plan, you will." (as said by Harry Mitchell in the movie "The Adjustment Bureau").
          My main question for you right here, right now is are you going to write the plan, the story of your life? Or are you going to let someone else take the pen and paper? We are the ones who decide how we live our lives. We choose how we act, what we do, and we even choose our future. But you first have to chose to own your life and not let someone else choose what your life will become.
           We face challenges but will we just give up? We are put in scary situations but does that mean we won't explore different paths in life? NO. You are strong, you make mistakes but, NO MATTER  how much you feel that nothing can change, it will. You are you and that won't change, just know it's not over until it's over and I gurantee, it is NOT OVER!
          Ultimately, we get to choose if we are happy or sad, successful or not. We need to choose that our lives will be good, that we will have good attitudes, and that no matter what we won't give up. Can you do that? Together can we own our lives?


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ahh, yes, the past can hurt

          We all live with some kind of past or fear or trial that we want to get rid of, we begin to think we can just forget about it. We think we can run away so, without giving any forethought, we automatically try to find the fastest way to escape because it feels threatening. The thing is that doesn't work, we run and run but just get tired and unsatisfied. We think we can let go of our past, our fears, our trials... but we can't, all we can do is learn from them. I think Rafiki from the Lion King says it best, "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it." You see the more we run the more pain we will gain on the way. Though when we learn from our past, trials, and fears we see the good in them, we learn why it happened to us and why that thing that seemed so tedious would chase us around. You see once we learn the good we are just a bit more relieved. So no matter how hard it may be, I challenge you this week to confront your past, your trials, and your fears and just let go and learn.


Thursday, January 1, 2015


As we enter into this new year I wanted to hear your New Year resolutions. Do you have any?
I personally have a few goals for this year! Let me share them with you...

First off, this year I really want to get a jar and put into it as often as possible, a small piece of paper that says something I'm thankful for, something good or bad that happened, or even a random thought (this was a modified idea I got from my friend Brenna). I am doing this because at the end of 2015 I would like to be able to look back at the year and see the good, the bad, the mistakes made, and the things I was blessed enough to have.

My next goal for 2015 is to put time aside for friends, family, and God. My reasoning behind this is because this next year I want to get to know these people better and want to develop better relationships with them.

One pretty short goal that I have is to blog at least once a week (let's see how I do). I really want to grow this blog and develop these writing skills of mine!

One last goal (of many) that I would like to share with you is to be joyful. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says simply, "Be joyful always". Therefore, I am following that advice and making it my main goal for 2015 to be joyful in ALL circumstances.

Remember, if you mess up and go against your goal sometime during the new year the WORST thing you could possibly do is give up. KEEP TRYING! If you have any goals or any tips on how to keep them, comment below!
